Top 10k strings from Highway Code (1984)(Rose Software).tap in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational - [TAP] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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  15 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  12 spos+len):
   5 ;p$(spos+1
   5 );q$(spos+1
   4 q=a(qq,h):
   4 p$(spos)-32
   4 p$(pos)-32
   4 h;"  ";a$(pos+1
   4 a$(pos)-32
   4 ;"MNOPQR";
   4 ;"GHIJKL";
   4 );q$(spos+20
   3 h$=h$+g$(rnd):
   3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
   3 );q$(spos+39
   3 )+g$(rnd+1
   2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
   2 rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
   2 q1=a(q,h):
   2 q$(spos)-32
   2 q$(pos)-32
   2 g,c;"   ":
   2 cor=b(rnd3,4
   2 cor=b(rnd2,4
   2 BzxxxxxxzBGGGGGGGGGGBzxxxxxxzB
   2 ;q$(spos+1
   2 ;p$(spos+61
   2 ;p$(spos+41
   2 ;p$(spos+31
   2 ;p$(spos+21
   2 ;;"bccccccccccccccccccccccccccccd":
   2 ;"ghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhi"
   2 ;"You scored";
   2 ;"WELL DONE";
   2 ;"Then ENTER";
   2 ;"QUESTION ";f;
   2 ;"Please type your name.";
   2 ;"Long names will be shortened    to 18 letters in length only."
   2 ;"           ";
   2 *(b(rnd3,h)-1
   2 );q$(spos+58
   2 "4";"Modes";
   2 "15";"  ";
   2 "    ";a$(pos+27
   1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
   1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxPxxxPxxxxxxxxxxxxx
   1 xxxxxxxxxxx
   1 xxxxxxxxxPPWWWWWWWWWPPxxxxxxxxx
   1 x$=x$+y$(o):
   1 var3=var3+1
   1 var2=var2+1
   1 var1=var1+1
   1 tlite=9200
   1 sc2=sc2+sc1:
   1 pri=pri+(pri=0
   1 pos=pos+len+1
   1 pass=pass+1
   1 n$;" - Score=";sc1;"/10"'''''
   1 much greater
   1 highway 2 
   1 highway 1 3
   1 h1        
   1 fffffffffffff
   1 ffff````ffff`````ffff`````````````ffff`````````````ffff``
   1 erase=8150
   1 erase4=8500
   1 erase3=8380
   1 erase2=8200
   1 driver=9010
   1 d$=c$(col):
   1 correct=8160
   1 cd2       
   1 cd1       
   1 carback=9020
   1 a$=" highway 2 is loading "
   1 a$(pos)>58
   1 a$(pos))/2
   1 T When involved in an accident    where damage or injury is       caused you must...?
   1 Sign Number?
   1 Road Markings
   1 Rmove in to the left/ turn   left/ stop on the leftFmove out to the right/      turn right&Danger/slow down/ stopFmove out to right/          turn right/slow down/ stopEmove in to the left/        turn left)turn left*turn right.go straight onEmove in to the left/        turn leftFmove out to the right/      turn right/slow down/ stop$stop$stop9go on if the way is clear$stopMstop line at traffic lights or police control:stop line at a 'Stop' signVgive way line to traffic    from right at a roundaboutYgive way line to traffic    from right at mini roundaboutKgive way line to traffic    on a major roadqdiagonal stripes toseparate traffic   streams liable to  be a danger to eachotherbsolid double white lines that must notbe crossed or      straddled|double white lines with overtaking    allowed whilst the line nearest the   driver is broken7a traffic lane     line-a centre line7a hazard warning   line1every working dayEevery working day  and at other timesDperiods other than every working day,Box JunctionAWarni
   1 Press any key to see the answer
   1 Press any key to continue
   1 KMGU4R+)AK
   1 In order to record your score";
   1 Hope you did well!
   1 H2        
   1 G1)drive if you are a learner      (except HGV drivers).         2)exceed the speed limit.       3)stop on the carriageways.     4)reverse on the carriageways.  5)stop on the central             reservation.                  6)walk on the carriageway or      central reservation (except     in an emergency).             7)stop on the verges (except      in an emergency).
   1 EMWYZ:5WXZ:6"%:
   1 E 1)check that parking is allowed   eg.NOT within the zig-zag       lines of a zebra crossing.                                    2)stop as close as you can to     the kerb or edge of the road.                                 3)put the handbrake on securely                                 4)switch off the engine.                                        5)lock up the doors and boot.                                   **Avoid parking on the road at    night if possible.
   1 Car + bike graphics
   1 CD2       d
   1 CD1       
   1 BzzzzzzzzBGGGGGGGGGGBzzzzzzzzB
   1 BzxxxxxxzBOOOOOOOOOOBrpppppprB
   1 BzxxxxxxzBAAAAAAAAAABrpppppprB
   1 BBBBzzBhhhhhhhhhGGGGGBBBzzBBBBG
   1 ANational speed limit      applies1Stop and give way7Sharp deviation to left8Sharp deviation to right/One-way traffic2With-flow bus lane4Contra-flow bus lane.One-way streetBPriority over oncoming    vehicles/No through road+Cross roads*Roundabout2Staggered junction*T junction-Bend to right,Bend to left)Side road9Double bend,first to left:Double bend,first to right-Slippery road5Two-way traffic aheadFTwo-way traffic crosses   one-way road8Traffic merges from left9Traffic merges from rightEChange to opposite        carriageway*Road worksALevel crossing with       barrierALevel crossing without    barrier5Road narrows on right4Road narrows on left&School3Worded warning sign/Loose chippings:Road narrows on both sides+Hump bridge5Dual carriageway ends+Uneven road/Steep hill - up3Pedestrian crossing1Steep hill - down3Low-flying aircraft7Falling or fallen rocks6Height limit (warning)8Overhead electric cables&Danger&Cattle/Horses crossing,Wild animals+Wild horses.Opening bridge6Quayside or river bankLAvailable widt
   1 @ When parking your car by the    side of the road you should...?
   1 @ When driving or cycling towards a zebra crossing you should...?
   1 ? Motor assisted pedal cyclists   and motorcyclists must NOT...?
   1 = 1)take your feet off the pedals                                 2)ride close to another vehicle                                 3)carry a passenger, unless       your bicycle has been built     to do so.                                                     4)hold on to another cyclist      or a vehicle.                                                 5)carry anything that might       upset your balance or get       caught up in the wheels or      the chain.
   1 ;sc2;"/90"
   1 ;sc2;"/";f:
   1 ;sc1;"/10":
   1 ;sc1;"/10"
   1 ;q$(spos+29
   1 ;e$;e$;e$;e$;e$:
   1 ;e$;"   Press R to return to menu    ":
   1 ;e$(jj+g):
   1 ;a$(pos+27
   1 ;"to Return"
   1 ;"question ";n$;
   1 ;"press  1-Right   or   0-Wrong
   1 ;"obstruction"
   1 ;"included";
   1 ;"did you get";
   1 ;"dddddddddd":
   1 ;"dddddddd":
   1 ;"crossed in the following";
   1 ;"correct?":
   1 ;"correct so far!";
   1 ;"circumstances"
   1 ;"all ten questions";
   1 ;"abcdefg":
   1 ;"]]]]]]]]]]";
   1 ;"]]]]]]]]";
   1 ;"Z[\]^_`";
   1 ;"YOU SCORED";
   1 ;"This section is meant to test   your knowledge of the highway   code. Remember that each        question has several answers."
   1 ;"The questions are not meant to  be scored, just used as a       helpful  way of learning and    of practising remembering       information."
   1 ;"That was the last";
   1 ;"Test - 10 questions are given          so that answers may be          written.Then each               question is shown again         with its answers."      
   1 ;"Screen Display";
   1 ;"STUVWX":
   1 ;"Quiz - Each question is                followed by its answer."
   1 ;"Question  Sign";
   1 ;"Printout  ?";
   1 ;"Press any key to continue"
   1 ;"Number  Number";
   1 ;"Now for the";
   1 ;"Name    Index    Printer";
   1 ;"Multiple choice";
   1 ;"MNOPQR":
   1 ;"Input R";
   1 ;"IS NOW";
   1 ;"Hope you did well!"
   1 ;"FANTASTIC":
   1 ;"ENTER the 10 index numbers for  the road signs you wish to test."''"Corrections may be made to your list by ENTERing  C 
   1 ;"Double white lines may be";
   1 ;"Describe the sign which means-":
   1 ;"Describe signs":
   1 ;"Describe meanings";
   1 ;"AMAZING":
   1 ;"==?@A==";
   1 ;";*****<";
   1 ;"6 789 :":
   1 ;"4)When ordered by a policeman     or traffic warden";
   1 ;"3)To avoid a stationary";
   1 ;"2)To get in & out of side roads";
   1 ;"123333345";
   1 ;"10   -":
   1 ;"1)To get in & out of premises";
   1 ;"1  2  3":
   1 ;"- TEST";
   1 ;"- RETURN"
   1 ;"- QUIZ";
   1 ;",-.../0";
   1 ;"+,-./012*+,-./012":
   1 ;")*****+";
   1 ;"()%&'()%&'()%&'()":
   1 ;"'     (";
   1 ;"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$":
   1 ;"#$$%$$&";
   1 ;"#################":
   1 ;"# # # # # # # # #":
   1 ;" highway 1 is loading ";
   1 ;" N - Name               ":
   1 ;" COMPLETED ";
   1 ;" ANSWERS!":
   1 ;" 3 - Highway Code Quiz  "
   1 ;" 2 - Road Markings      "
   1 ;" 1 - Signals            ";
   1 ;"   TEST    ";
   1 ;"          ":
   1 ;"           ":
   1 9This driver is signallinguWhen stationary at a junction this signal to a person       controlling traffic meansKThis cyclist(seen from behind)is signalling1This signal means8This road marking is theVThese markings in   the centre of the   road represent[This road marking   indicates parking   restrictions during6This road marking is aHWhich of these drivers is     signallingfWhen stationary at a junction which of these drivers is     signallingXWhich of these cyclists (seen from behind) is signallingrWhich signal comes            after this one in the         traffic light sequenceDWhich of these road markings  is theeWhich of these      markings in the     centre of the road  representoWhich of these      markings by the kerbmeans parking       restrictions duringIWhich of these markings       indicates a'm&
   1 8 When driving always overtake    on the right except...?
   1 7 When parked, before driving     off you should...?    
   1 7 The first person to arrive at   an accident should...?
   1 6 When driving in a one-way       street you should...?
   1 4 What are the three main speed   limit restrictions?
   1 33333333333
   1 3 It is important to drive more   carefully when...?
   1 2{2q2d2V2H1
   1 1 When driving, overtaking is     forbidden if...?
   1 1 When driving on a motorway      you must NOT...?
   1 0 When driving you should NOT     overtake if...?
   1 0 1)keep a look out for people      waiting to cross and be ready   to slow down or stop to let     them cross.                                                   2)leave the crossing clear when   caught in a slow moving queue   of traffic.                                                   3)NOT overtake, especially        within the zig-zag lines.
   1 / You should NOT drive your       vehicle if...?
   1 / When riding a bicycle you       should NOT...?
   1 / When reversing a vehicle        you should...?
   1 . 1)take more than one passenger    on a two-wheeled cycle          ie. without sidecar.            (A passenger must sit on a      proper seat behind the driver   and use foot rests).                                          2)park in a parking meter zone    unless parking at a meter is    allowed or if there is a        proper motorcycle park.
   1 - 1)you cannot see far enough in    front to be sure it is safe     eg. at or approaching bends,    brows of hills and hump-        backed bridges.                                               2)you might interfere with        other road users                eg. approaching pedestrian      crossings, road junctions       and level crossings.                                          3)you might cause another         driver to swerve or slow down                                 ** 
   1 +x+g+]+R+G*
   1 +dd;a$(pos+1
   1 + When driving in fog you         should...?
   1 + 1)Find a safe place to cross      the road, then stop.                                          2)Stand on the pavement near      the kerb.                                                     3)Look all round for traffic      and listen.                                                   4)If traffic is coming, let it    pass. Look all round again.                                   5)When there is no traffic near   walk straight across the road                                 6)Keep looking and listening      for traffic while you cross.
   1 *b(rnd3,h)-2
   1 *b(rnd3,h)+19
   1 *b(rnd2,h)-1
   1 *b(rnd2,h)-(q
   1 ********************************E 
   1 );q$(spos+77
   1 );"Press any key to see the answers"
   1 );"Any key to continue / R - Return"
   1 );"   Press R to return to menu    ":
   1 )                                                        Overall       Thinking Braking  stoppingSpeed distance distance distance----- -------- -------- --------                                30mph   30ft     45ft     75ft                                  50mph   50ft    125ft    175ft                                  70mph   70ft    245ft    315ft                                  --------------------------------**Road conditions are frequently  less than ideal and stopping    distances can be 
   1 (w(i(Q'X&y%
   1 (1)warn other traffic - using      hazard warning lights, red      triangle or any other means     possible.                     2)remove fire hazards eg. put     out cigarettes, ask drivers to  switch off their car engines. 3)arrange for the police and      ambulance services to be        alerted immediately.          4)ONLY move injured people away   from any further immediate      danger.                       5)get any UNinjured people out    of vehicles & to a safe place.6)wait until the emergency        services get to the scene.
   1 ( 1)STOP.                         2)tell your address and vehicle   registration number to anyone   involved who reasonably needs   them(also the vehicle owner's   name and address if it is not   your own).                    3)If you do not do 2) then        report the accident to the      police as soon as you can,but   definitely not later than       24 hours afterwards.          4)If someone is injured and you   cannot show your insurance      certificate then report to      the police as in 3) and show    it to them within 5 days.
   1 &1)make sure that nobody,          especially a small child, is    behind you. Also that there     are no obstructions in the      road.                                                         2)remember that all vehicles      have 'blind spots' causing      areas that cannot be seen by    the driver.                                                   3)get someone to guide you if     you cannot see clearly the      road behind.                                                  4)NEVER reverse into a main       road from a side street._`_/Z
   1 $-CEG-FGHN
   1 $ 1)there are pedestrians about.                                  2)passing a stationary bus,       milk float,ice-cream van etc.                                 3)near schools, playgrounds       and parks.                                                    4)approaching pedestrian          crossings.                                                    **Remember that flashing amber    signals warn of school          crossing patrols.
   1 #m#h#N#I#D"
   1 "{"m"b"O"D!
   1 "5";"per";
   1 "5";"All";
   1 "4";"test";
   1 "4";"items";
   1 "3";"Mode";
   1 "2";"Teaching";
   1 "2";"Practise";
   1 "2";"Display";
   1 "2";"10 items";
   1 "16";"  ";
   1 "14";"  ";
   1 "13";"User's selection":
   1 "13";"Relaxed viewing":
   1 "13";"Random tests";
   1 "13";"Complete set";
   1 "     Index of Road Signs"'''
   1 "                                 1)there are special wider         places for passing.             When these are on your side     pull in to allow oncoming       traffic to get by, and also     for vehicles behind to          overtake you when necessary.                                  2)on hills always give way to     traffic coming up if you can.                                 3)Do NOT park in the special      passing places!
   1 ! 1)30mph in built-up areas.                                      2)70mph on motorways and dual     carriageways.                                                 3)60mph on other roads, unless    road signs indicate a lower     limit.
   1  to delete  the last entry.";
   1  highway 2 is loading 
   1  What is the Green Cross Code?
   1  What are the shortest stopping  distances (in feet) for a good  car and driver on a dry road?     1)30mph? 2)50mph? 3)70mph?
   1  On single track roads (ie. so   narrow that only one vehicle    can move at a time) you should  remember...?
   1  1)you would have to cross or      straddle double white lines     with an unbroken line nearest   to you.                                                       2)you are within the zig-zag      lines approaching a zebra       crossing.                                                     3)you have passed a               "No overtaking" sign and        have not reached the end of     the restriction.
   1  1)you are too tired or sleepy.                                  2)you have been drinking          alcohol.                                                      3)you are under the influence     of drugs (consult your doctor   if in doubt about medication)                                 4)you are not wearing glasses     needed to meet the official     eyesight standard.                                            5)visibility is poor and you      are wearing sunglasses or       similar vision aids.
   1  1)when the driver ahead of you    has signalled that he intends   to turn right and you can       overtake him on the left        without interfering with        other vehicles (or going into   a bus lane when restrictions    are in force.                 2)if you want to turn left at a   junction.                     3)in one-way streets where        passing is allowed on both      sides(NOT dual carriageways). 4)in a slow moving traffic        queue with an even slower       moving lane to your right.
   1  1)slow down.                    2)keep a safe distance behind     any vehicle in front of you.  3)keep a check on your speed.     It is easy to go faster than    you think!                    4)remember that a heavy vehicle   may take longer to stop than    a vehicle it is following.    5)obey warning signals.         6)use your headlamps/foglamps     and rear lamps.               7)keep your lights, reflectors    and windows clean.            8)allow more time to get to       your destination.
   1  1)always use your mirror.                                       2)look round for a final check                                  3)signal if necessary.                                          4)NOT start until you can do so   safely without making other     road users change speed or      direction.
   1  1)NEVER change lanes suddenly.                                  2)choose the correct lane         eg. left-hand lane if going     left or, as indicated by any    road markings).                                               3)remember that other vehicles    are allowed to pass you on      both sides.
   1  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZM
   1  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
   1    than those shown above!
   1                                 73896:73896: 3456 73896:73896: 3456 738;6<=3>?@ABCDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEFIHHIHHIHHIHHIHHIG Q  R   Q  R   Q  ST UV WSXYSZ ST  RSSV [SSS YSSSX SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS\]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]^V  _  U` RQ [Q Y\